6 research outputs found

    Konsepsi pemisahan kekuasaan dalam ajaran Tritangtu Sunda dan implikasinya terhadap sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia

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    INDONESIA : Dalam suatu dinamika sistem ketatanegaraan perlu adanya suatu sistem pemisahan kekuasaan untuk mencegah otoritarianisme atau kekuasaan yang berpusat pada satu orang. Pemisahan kekuasaan di Indonesia bersumber pada Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yang dalam pembentukannya melibatkan juga unsur hukum adat, hukum barat dan hukum islam. Sunda sebagai salah satu suku bangsa memiliki suatu ajaran ketatanegaraan yang disebut dengan Ajaran Tritangtu Sunda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Pertama, untuk menganalisis pemisahan kekuasaan yang terkandung dalam Ajaran Tritangtu Sunda dengan kondisi pemisahan kekuasaan di Indonesia. Kedua, untuk menganalisis konsepsi pemisahan kekuasaan dalam Ajaran Tritangtu Sunda dihubungkan dengan teori Hukum Ketatanegaraan Adat di Indonesia. Ketiga, untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsepsi pemisahan kekuasaan dalam Ajaran Tritangtu Sunda terhadap Sistem Ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia. Kerangka pemikiran dalam penelitian ini berpijak pada teori hukum adat, teori pemisahan kekuasaan, dan teori lembaga negara sehingga dapat menjadi penopang dalam menganalisis konsepsi pemisahan kekuasaan dalam ajaran Tritangtu Sunda dan pengaruhnya terhadap sistem ketatanegaraan republik Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analisis, yakni dengan cara mengumpulkan, mempelajari, menganalisa, dan menafsirkan serta memaparkan data-data yang berkaitan dengan konsep tritangtu sunda dan sistem ketatanegaraan republik Indonesia, dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, sedangkan jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Pertama, ajaran tritangtu sunda memandang bahwa kekuasaan tidak bersifat tunggal, melainkan harus dipisahkan menjadi tiga kekuasaan yaitu, resi, rama dan prabu. Kedua, terdapat hubungan antara ajaran tritangtu sunda dengan teori hukum ketatanegaraan, dilihat dari aspek penguasa/pejabat/lembaga negara, aspek klasifikasi warga negara dan aspek relasi kuasa. Ketiga, walaupun tidak secara signifikan berpengaruh, akan tetapi ajaran tritangtu sunda turut memperkaya khasanah hukum ketatanegaraan adat di Indonesia dalam rangka pluralisme hukum. ENGLISH : In a dynamic state administration system, it is necessary to have a system of separation of powers to prevent authoritarianism or power centered on one person. The separation of powers in Indonesia is based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which in its formation involved elements of customary law, western law, and Islamic law. Sunda, one of the ethnic groups, has constitutional teaching called the Sunda Tritangtu Teachings. The purpose of this study is to analyze the separation of powers contained in the Tritangtu Sundanese teachings with the condition of the separation of powers in Indonesia. Second, to analyze the conception of the separation of powers in the Sundanese Tritangtu Teaching associated with the theory of Customary Constitutional Law in Indonesia. Third, to analyze the influence of the conception of the separation of powers in the Sundanese Tritangtu Teachings on the State Administration System of the Republic of Indonesia. The framework of thought in this study is based on the theory of customary law, the theory of separation of powers, and the theory of state institutions so that it can be supported in analyzing the concept of the separation of powers in the Tritangtu Sunda teachings and their influence on the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia. The research method used is the descriptive analysis method, namely by collecting, studying, analyzing, and interpreting as well as explaining data related to the Sundanese tritangtu concept and the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia, using a normative juridical approach, while the type of research used in this research is is qualitative research. The results of this study are. First, the Tritangtu Sundanese teachings view power as not singular but must be separated into three powers: Resi, Rama, and Prabu. Second, there is a relationship between the teachings of the Tritangtu Sunda and the theory of constitutional law, seen from the aspect of rulers/officials/state institutions, aspects of citizen classification, and aspects of power relations. Third, although not significantly influential, the Tritangtu Sunda teachings also enrich the repertoire of customary constitutional law in Indonesia in the context of legal pluralism

    Pengaruh Perkembangan Teknologi Terhadap Kurangnya Literasi Budaya Dan Kewarganegaraan Siswa SD

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    This article explores the impact of technological advances on elementary school students' cultural and civic knowledge. Even though it provides broad access to information, the negative impacts of technology such as social isolation and lack of direct interaction with cultural diversity make understanding cultural values and citizenship difficult. Reduced social engagement is also a challenge, limiting students' role as active citizens. The proposed solution involves collaboration between teachers, parents, and communities to create an educational environment that balances technology and hands-on experiences grounded in cultural and civic values. This article emphasizes the importance of preparing elementary school students to acquire strong cultural knowledge and a deep sense of citizenship, helping them become active and responsible members of society

    Minimnya Literasi Budaya dan Kewargaan Dapat Mereduksi Nilai Karakter Kebangsaan

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    This research aims to provide a clear picture regarding the lack of cultural and civic literacy which can reduce the value of national character. Indonesia is a country that has a diversity of cultures, religions, customs and so on. The developments of the times and technology that have occurred have made it easy for foreign culture to enter and be absorbed by society, this has caused quite a few Indonesian people to shift their lifestyle to follow foreign and alien cultures to their own culture. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods by collecting data from library sources. The results show that the implementation of cultural and civic literacy in Indonesia is still relatively low, which can reduce national character values such as religiosity, nationalism, independence, the spirit of mutual cooperation and integrity. Therefore, it is necessary to increase public awareness and the active role of education to increase cultural and civic literacy in order to optimize national character values

    Pentingnya Literasi Sebagai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Mengatasi Degradasi Moral di Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aims to explain the importance of literacy as a form of character education in overcoming moral degradation in elementary schools. Moral degradation, a decline in attitudes and behavior in elementary school students, is caused by a lack of instilling a spirit of character in students. There are many cases and problems regarding morals in the surrounding environment. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are based on library sources such as journals, articles and books. Then, the results obtained show that literacy activities in elementary schools as a form of character education according to various literature sources can be very useful, especially for overcoming moral degradation in elementary schools. Apart from that, as an Indonesian citizen, you need to have good attitudes and behavior as a form of love for your nation and stat


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    Artikel ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memahami konsep dasar pemikiran Studi Hukum Kritis (Critical Legal Studies). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Hukum Normatif berdasarkan bahan primer, sekunder dan tersier yang dikumpulkan melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Studi Hukum Kritis (Critical Legal Studies) pada titik awal kemunculannya merupakan kritik terhadap formalisme hukum. Formalisme hukum yang memandang otonomi hukum, netralitas hukum dan perbedaan politik hukum dibatalkan dan ditolak oleh para pemikir Studi Hukum Kritis. Ide-ide yang terkandung dalam Studi Hukum Kritis cenderung memandang hukum sebagai proyeksi moral dan politik